
Discovering Your True Self: A Guide for the Journey

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Discovering Your True Self is not a book for the casual reader. It is not a book of religious pabulum or of feel good devotional thoughts. It is a book about a challenging, but significantly meaningful and life-transforming journey. It is about a journey that leads us beyond the anxiety and fear that unconsciously dictate our lives. As we make progress on the journey, we break free from anxiety’s sabotaging power.



Discovering Your True Self is not a book for the casual reader. It is not a book of religious pabulum or of feel good devotional thoughts. It is a book about a challenging, but significantly meaningful and life-transforming journey. It is about a journey that leads us beyond the anxiety and fear that unconsciously dictate our lives. As we make progress on the journey, we break free from anxiety’s sabotaging power.
Not only does the journey lead us beyond our default, anxiety-driven ways of thinking and living, it leads us to discover new, healthier ways of thinking and relating. This journey of discovery leads us to experience life differently. On this journey, we learn to use our power, first, to manage ourselves and, then, to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. It leads us into deeper, more meaningful relationships, into an inner disposition of joy and peace and thanksgiving, and into a joy-filled sense of purpose and meaning. It leads us into greater emotional-relational-spiritual maturity. And it leads us to discover and release our true self.