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Rev. Dr. Steve Langford, D.Min.
Guide for the Spiritual Journey
Biblical Scholar & Teacher – Author – Speaker – Retreat Leader
Bowen Family Systems Counselor and Coach

Dr. Steve Langford, also known as Pastor Steve, has given his adult life to the study and teaching of scripture in the local church. In the congregations he has served, he is known as a gifted teacher who does not shrink from prophetically proclaiming the truth of scripture. After retiring from serving as pastor of a local church, he now works as a spiritual guide, as a clergy coach,  as a small group and Bible study leader, and as an author. He is also a lifelong student who earned degrees in biblical studies from Howard Payne University (BA) and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDIV and DMIN). His postgraduate studies have been in Bowen Family Systems theory with a focus on spiritual formation and leadership in the local church.

Dr. Langford is the author of nine books:

  • Praying as Jesus Taught Us to Pray – Reflecting on the Lord’s Prayer (2025)
  • Why the Bible Is So Hard to Understand … and tips to understanding it (Revised and expanded 2023)
  • A God-Shaped World: Exploring Jesus’ Teachings about the Kingdom of God and Its Implications for the Church Today  (2018)
  • The Fruit of the Spirit: the Path That Leads to Loving as Jesus Loved (2019)
  • Discovering Your True Self: A Guide for the Journey (2020)
  • Wisdom of the Ancients: Mining the Riches of Genesis 1-11 (2021)
  • God’s Plumb Line: A Tool for Discerning the Will of God (2023)
  • Life in the Spirit: Reflecting on the Work of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives (2022)
  • Following Jesus: Discipleship Studies in the Gospel of Mark (2022)

Dr. Langford and his wife of over fifty years have three adult sons and four grandchildren.
